Thursday, May 6, 2010

More on the issue of distraction

Sorry, I couldn't help myself...

1 comment:

  1. Ha great movie Jane!! and I love the quote at the end, 'Jane's not distracted now, she's just wasting time'. Without being an English teacher I have to say that I believe digital literacies is probably not a sole learning strategy but an incorporated one. It provides the students with variety with would help engage the students. Of course it also sets up the students with computer skills which will help them for the rest of their lives. It allows them to be creative and work independently or collaboratively. I suppose authenticity would be the major issue, but this basically comes down to teacher student relationships, i.e. teachers know their students. Teacher should be able to distinguish between the students own work to one that is download off the Internet. I like the idea of digital storytelling, I would have enjoyed it when i was at school.
