The following slideshare uses prezi (a cool web 2.0 improvement on powerpoint, that sort of reminds me of an animated version of the big posters we used to have to make in primary classes in the 1970's). Mark Woolley's presentation (below) echo's Jo's claim that digital storytelling is a successful (the 'best") strategy for teachers to promote literacy. His glossy, graphically gorgeous piece uses groovin' audio and nice design to bring home his point. Interspersed in the presentation are example of student produced work, including a story "by" a kindergarten student using storybird ( Storybird is a web 2.0 tool that appears to use clip art and text for individual or collaborative storytelling. The 3 year old who "created" the product presumably had some imput into choosing the clip art that was used, and voiced the story. But how much input she had in creating the story in collaboration with an adult is arguable.
Literacy Alive - Digital story telling for 21st century learners
View more presentations from Mark Woolley.
The risk with accepting digital storytelling as the “best” option for teaching digital literacy could mean a lot of parent-friendly product that is all form with minimal content.
“Create a quality product with a minimum of fuss” is one of the statements made to support digital storytelling (in particular, Storybird) in this presentation. The notion of “quality” here is a controversial one. Quality in this digital storytelling model seems to reference the slick look and feel (which, based on samples on the Storybird website is consistent, and limited to the available artwork). The quality of the learning experience and what the process might contribute to digital literacy is secondary to the “product”. As a learning tool for literacy, surely the fuss is what is important – the journey, the hands-on experience, the mistakes? In this example, I suggest that play-doh and a bit of show and tell is a better option for the kinder child to represent and share her beachy story than having an adult guide her through the dinky web 2.0 tool to create a “quality product”. She can develop her own “fussy” and imperfect vision of her beach story from her own perspective, contributing to communication and narrative understanding.
The cyberbulling example from an older student (using DeVolver), also seems very much a “product” featuring limited, stereotypic information in a glossy package. While I am not saying it is not fun and useful for student to explore these programs, what I do believe is that it is not always the “best” approach. In these examples, content seems secondary to the format. If learners are not exposed to alternative means of storytelling in the embodied world (visually, dramatically, poetically, verbally, prose etc.) they will have limited personal literacy resources on which to draw to enrich the web 2.0 widgets that are their inheritance.
Check out my storybird (Digital Storytelling - Is it the "best" chuck out the rest?) here!
Opportunities and multiple intelligences
Jo suggests that digital storytelling allows greater opportunities to teach digital literacy and she mentions Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. At a simplistic level it could be said that, for example, digital storytelling would not be the “best” approach for a kinesthetic learner who needs to “actively explore the physical world around them” and may prefer paper, paste and textas to explore themes of literacy (digital or otherwise), especially when many other aspects of their lives are already immersed in digital technology (mobile phones, ipods, gaming consoles etc). Providing non-digital alternatives should be seriously considered for sharing all aspects of literacy.
Referring to previous technologies like slide projectors and television that were “touted as 'the solution' to American education”, Gardner says “When plugged in, they are all too often simply used to 'deliver' the same old 'drill-and-kill' content” (Garner, 2000 p.33). The opportunity provided by digital storytelling should only be taken if the content is a suitable fit for the purpose and audience.
Gardner says educators need to "...remain clear on what they want to achieve for our children and vigilant that the technology serves these ends. Otherwise, like other technologies, the new ones could end up spawning apathy, alienation, or yet another phalanx of consumers." (Gardner 2000, p.35). This quote is from 2000, but still very relevant today. If a decision is is made to focus on digital storytelling as the "best" way to meet their digital literacy needs - a generation of students may only conceive of storytelling as something that needs to be crafted online, with fancy fonts and polish, legitimised by publishing and consumed and approved by friends & family.
Gardner is also focussed on a project exploring the ethics of digital literacy...but more on this next post.
Woolley, M (2010) Literacy Alive – Digital Storytelling for 21st Century learners, retrieved 24 April 2010 from
Gardner, H, (2000) Can Technology Exploit Our Many Ways of Knowing?, pp.33-35, retrieved 26 April 2010 from